“Be a person with Knowledge not just opinions…..”

An excerpt from Girl Woman Other by Bernadine Evaristo

At first, I was a bit skeptical to read Girl Woman Other because of the entire buzz surrounding it. However, I’m glad I succumbed to Bookstagram pressure and gave it a shot because the book exceeded all my expectations!!


Teeming with life and crackling with energy — a love song to modern Britain and black womanhood

Girl, Woman, Other follows the lives and struggles of twelve very different characters. Mostly women, black and British, they tell the stories of their families, friends, and lovers, across the country and through the years.

Girl Woman other

Girl Woman Other chronicles the lives of twelve Black British women. We experience their trials, tribulations, and growth processes through their individual journeys by introducing us to these women of diverse ages, faiths, and Sexualities with stories that span over 100 years.

After reading this book, I have so much respect for Bernadine Evaristo. Her ability to handle twelve very distinctive and complex characters and in the same vein tackle existing issues and ideals around feminism, race, and the diaspora without losing the attention of the reader is pretty impressive. In other words, I don’t think I’ve ever come across a book that represents Black British Women so holistically.

Girl Woman Other was a wonderful read that teaches us a very valuable lesson which is that there is no one way to be a Black British Woman and that there is no collective Black British experience. Human beings are all individualistic and live multi-dimensional lives. In conclusion, Girl Woman Other is ultimately a celebration of individuality, diversity, and the beauty of human connections.

PS….If I could ask one question to the author- I’ll ask about Nzinga, like what was up with her? It seems like she has a very interesting backstory and I would love to know all the tea.

Girl Woman Other